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Heri Rudini


Frontend Dev (Angular)

24 July 2021
Logo AIT

Have a full-time job as a Frontend Developer at PT Akar Inti Teknologi, start from 1st September 2021 until present. Akar Inti Teknologi (AIT) is a software house that specializes in providing financial technology solutions for the financial services industry.

Internship in Full-Stack Developement

24 July 2021
Logo Salt Academy

Hired at PT Akomedia Asia (Salt) in a Full-Stack developer internship program in a proect of building goverment's website (Ministry of Finance Indonesia). My position in this job is as a team member doing front-end stack (slicing design from figma, fetching API data from backend). Started from 15 July until 16 August 2021. By joining this internship i have learned new skill, there are SCSS and Tailwind.

Bootcamp Full-Stack Jvascript

1 May 2021
Logo Salt Academy

Recently joining bootcamp at Salt Academy Indonesia in Full-Stack Javascript class. This class is started from february to june 2021. In this class i have gained my skills in web programming. About 4 month i learn many things like framework, library.. let say Mongoose, Express, Angular, Node, Typescript, and few soft-skills namely leadership, communication, and few seminars.

This class has given me a very good experience, every assignment i have in this bootcamp is somekind of "real case assignment". we were creating website that required by user (Salt Academy's client), we were doing project that really challenging. The atmosphere in this class is very fun, i like the people, my friends, our mentors and lecturer, i am really glad to meet them in this occasion.

Web Programming Course

1 May 2021
Logo Skill Academy

I have taken a course to gain my skill in fundamental web programming. This is a basic web programming course, organized by Dicoding.Id, in this course i have learn more in fundamentals in HTML, CSS and Javascript. I've learn the basic concept of what we call a "clean code", reusable function, and efective number of lines of code.

UX Course

1 May 2021
Logo Skill Academy

For one month (26 Aug - 26 Sep 2020) i'm taking a UX (User Experience) course to gain my skills in developing website. the skill of "coding" isn't just enough to be a good programmer, I need to improve my skill in web programming in terms of design too. At least i have to understand the basic concept of "User Friendly".

This course is organized by Skill Acdemy by Ruang Guru. In this class i have learn about user journey, userflow, ux research, and the fundamental user experience. By joining this course i hope i would be able to improve my website, at least i hope my own web wont be too bad for the user experience, lol.